Our Vision is of a society where children and young people can freely explore, learn and develop, are supported to reach their full potential and are active in shaping our world.
Valuing Staff and Volunteers – staff and volunteers are the life-blood of the organisation and are valued, supported and given as many opportunities as possible to develop their personal and professional capabilities.
Christian Faith/Ethos – the principles of the Christian faith and the life of Jesus are the primary guides and focal point for the work of Greenhill YMCA. Opportunities for the exploration and expression of Christian faith will be readily available alongside a warm welcome and genuine openness to include the views, stories and experiences of those who come from other religions/faith perspectives, or none
The Natural World – The natural environment provides us with almost limitless opportunities for personal development, health promotion, ethical education and spiritual exploration. As beneficiaries and stewards of the magnificent natural environment around us, we have a responsibility to treat it with the utmost respect and teach/support others to do the same.
Disadvantage & Poverty – in our relative affluence, and mindful of Christian social justice principles, Greenhill YMCA will seek ways to share it’s resources, skills and relative wealth with people and communities in most need; locally and internationally
1. Young People – We will provide the best possible learning experiences and programmes for Young People:
Greenhill YMCA will evaluate all programme work with young people and seek to improve the quality, effectiveness and relevance of it’s provision, by building on ‘what works’, refreshing what is/has become tired but remains relevant and developing new ‘bespoke’ programmes to meet emerging and identified needs. The primary focus will remain on ‘disadvantaged young people and their communities’, and on CR/Good Relations – this does not, however, preclude other types of programmes or beneficiaries. We will look for opportunities and resources to enhance our work with local young people and communities. The aspiration and intention is for quality over quantity; relevance and distinctiveness over mediocrity.
2. Site and Facilities – We will develop the Greenhill Site and Facilities to their full potential:
Greenhill YMCA will improve the ‘welcome facilities’ and overall visual impact of the centre for visitors. New and as yet unconsidered possibilities for the use of the Greenhill site will be developed for the realisation of the full potential of the site. The ‘Village Greenhill’ concept will be researched/explored. There will be further, increased and on-going development and investment in the site and facilities to ensure the maximization of its potential and the provision of the best possible learning opportunities for our customers and participants. Capacity of residential spaces and site facilities will be expanded to meet the growing demand and increase sustainability.
3. Faith and Diversity – We will be clear and open about our Christian Faith & encourage Diversity:
Greenhill YMCA will be clear, both internally and publicly, about its Christian Faith principles/perspective and we will be similarly clear about the organisations openness to welcome and encourage / facilitate others (both individuals and groups) to come with and explore their own particular spiritual/faith beliefs and experiences within the Greenhill setting. A safe, facilitating, open, non-judgemental and nurturing environment will be provided for the exploration and sharing of faith alongside and within a context of increasing cultural, social, political and religious diversity.
4. Volunteers – We will encourage and facilitate the involvement of more volunteers across the full range of Greenhill’s activities, particularly local volunteers:
Greenhill YMCA will increase the range of opportunities for volunteers, particularly local people, to become and remain involved in the activities and life of Greenhill YMCA, at every level. More volunteers will be recruited, the volunteer support infrastructure will be strengthened and volunteers will be offered as broad a range of involvement options as possible, including at management and governance level.
5. Quality – We will ensure all Greenhill YMCA’s internal systems and practices are in keeping with best practice within the sector:
Greenhill YMCA will audit/evaluate all internal systems and practices e.g. communication, supervision, reporting/accountability, financial, etc, and seek to improve overall effectiveness by making any necessary/recommended changes and investing in training and development for key personnel. A particular emphasis will be placed on ensuring all H&S policies and procedures are fully up-to-date and being effectively implemented.
General Administration and Communication systems and all of the procedures and capabilities necessary to effectively fundraise and ensure financial viability and sustainability into the future will be examined and improved/developed as necessary. Support and training will be made available to staff to ensure everyone has the necessary skills and confidence to fulfil their role and responsibilities
National Council of YMCAs Ireland | Charity Commission for NI Registration NIC105739 I UK Charitable Tax Ref. XN45820 | Company Number NI 15660 | RoI Charity Number 20001124 | RoI Charitable Tax Ref. 8234018T | Company Number RoI 234018
Design & Build by IanMcKenzieCreative