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Greenhill YMCA, YMCA Ireland’s national outdoor centre has existed at the foot of the Mourne mountains in Newcastle, County Down for over 100 years, utilising the natural resources of the mountains, forests, rivers and lakes to provide rich alternative learning experiences for generations of young people.

Greenhill YMCA runs residential programmes and day activity sessions for organised groups such as schools, churches, youth and community groups from all backgrounds and locations as well as being a resource for the YMCA movement in Ireland and beyond.

Greenhill can offer a personalised programme to suit your group’s individual needs and budgets from a day visit to the centre to a full, activity packed residential. We welcome approximately 10,000 visitors each year on to our site and therefore have vast experience in designing and delivering programmes. We have a range of accommodation options to choose from depending on your groups requirements and on-site dining hall so we can provide a full board package for your group.

Your group can enjoy a stay at Greenhill without activities and avail of our accommodation, dining hall facilities and relaxing surroundings or your group can take part in up to three activity sessions per day and select your preferred activities from our extensive range. Our activities include climbing and abseiling, high initiatives, zipline, laser tag, bouldering, canoeing, mountain walks, outdoor cooking, team ropes challenge, archery and many more!

Our activities take place on our beautiful 17 acre site on the slopes of Slieve Donard Mountain and in the surrounding area in the Mourne Mountains, Tollymore Forest Park, Castlewellan Forest Park and Lake and Bloody Bridge.

Our first priority at Greenhill YMCA is safety, closely followed by as much fun as possible! We offer outdoor adventure in a safe environment. Our centre operates strict health and safety procedures and all of our activities are conducted by our dedicated team of highly trained and qualified staff and volunteers who join us from all over the world each year.

Greenhill YMCA are holders of the AdventureMark Award (Safety accreditation scheme administered by the Adventure Activity Industry Advisory Committee).

We are young person centred at Greenhill YMCA and are dedicated to providing quality leadership and programmes to assist young people in their physical, social, mental and spiritual development. Greenhill YMCA will provide opportunity and encouragement for individuals and groups, within a safe and supportive atmosphere, to broaden their experiences and take on new challenges in pursuit of a new and deeper learning for participants.

Adult organised groups are also very welcome at our site such as sporting groups etc.

Greenhill YMCA is surrounded by forest with panoramic views over the town of Newcastle and Dundrum Bay. A short 10-15 minute walk through the forest and Donard Park will take you into Newcastle main street where you can enjoy the beach and promenade.